November 25th, 2010 by Admin Leave a reply »

THE provincial meeting of the Association was held on Thursday, February 23rd, at the Cardiff City Mental Hospital, by the courtesy of Dr. Edwin Goodall and the Committee of Visitors, under the presidency of Dr. JOHN MACPEERSON. There was a good attendance of members and visitors.

The PRESIDENT, replying on behalf of the association, expressed gratitude for tle city’s kind hospitality, and remarked that the function of the members being the care and treatment of the insane, it was necessary continually to educate themselves, and it was in pursuance of that aim that the opportunity of the, visit to the Cardiff Mental Hospital was welcomed.
The PRESIDENT proposed the toast of ” The Lord Mayor and the Corporation,” and expressed a high opinion of the new mental hospital, which was well worthy of emulation. In replying, the LORD MAYOR said that in constructing the hospital the aim had been to have an institution which should be worthy of the city and of the cause, one in which patients could be properly housed and cared for, and yield a fair proportion of cures. That fair degree of success he could claim had been achieved. A further aim had been to make the hospital, by means of an efficient staff and adequate laboratory accommodation, a centre of investigation, and already distinct scientific advances had been made. He hoped one result of the visit of the association would be to encourage the workers at the hospital, and to show the ratepayers of Cardiff the wisdom of the course which had been pursued.

Full text can be found at:

Thanks to Tim Goosey for finding this information.


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