Tea Party Photos » Tea party

Lovely tea in the dining room


  1. Jim Matthews says:

    I’m in the second row, the second photograph from my left. I took some photos for the historical society and invited to the tea party. Great event and full credit to the organisers who worked hard to make this a success.

  2. Admin says:

    Hi Jim
    Thank you for your lovely comments, it was a great tea party, glad you enjoyed.
    We must think of a way of sharing your amazing photos of the hospital so that they can be appreciated.

  3. Eve Evans says:

    I don’t tune in very often, so have only just found this. I’ve already said how much I enjoyed the event – it was great to see old friends. Smithy and Jean are in the first photo, and I’m the one in blue (with the microphone) ( the first photograph in the third row. Keep up the good work, Gwawr and company.

  4. Admin says:

    Dear Eve
    Thank you so much for your comments and so glad you enjoyed the tea party…it was such a great idea so thank you for coming up with it.

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